What I read in 2019 & hope to read in 2020

Reading is one of my favourite pastimes, books make me feel excited. Whenever I see or hear about a new book, whilst I may have several unread books at home, I have to buy it as I am scared of missing out. If you know me, you will know that it is much more common for me to feel joy of missing out so books definitely have some sort of special hold on me! 

In 2019 I read... 

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There are a couple of more books I read but these were the books I felt worthy of sharing. My top 5 recommendations are: 

  • Just Eat It by Laura Thomas 
    If you are struggling with disordered eating and body image issues, this is a fantastic read. 

  • The Source by Dr Tara Swart 
    This is a great read if you are interested in visualisation but want some solid science and facts behind it. 

  • Your Dream Life Starts Here by Kristina Karlsson 
    This book is one that I will revisit time and time again and will be valuable to everybody. It is essentially a self-reflection activity journal.  

  • Jailbirds by Mim Skinner 
    I found this such a fascinating read. It is about female prisons and the mental health issues surrounding these imprisoned women.  

  • The 4 Pillar Plan by Dr Rangan Chatterjee 
    This book looks at four components of our lives (relax, eat, move, sleep) and tells us how to optimise them.  

What I want to read in 2020…


 To re-confirm what I said earlier, I definitely have an addiction to buying books as this is just 1 of 3 piles of books that I have at home that have not yet been read! 

I feel like this year's book stack positively relate to my goals for 2020. I would say the three central themes of these books are: mental health (always), body positivity and movement. The books that I am particularly excited to read are: 

  • Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo 

  • Feel Better in 5 by Dr Rangan Chatterjee 

  • My Shit Therapist by Michelle Thomas 

  • Jog on by Bella Mackie 

  • The Last Diet by Shahroo Izadi  

I will let you know how I get on! In the meantime, if you are interested in some more book recommendations, head over to the recommendations section of the website. 

What book(s) do you recommend reading for 2020?  

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